I'm a Strategic Communications & Communication Design major currently studying at Elon University. Among my many skills,  I excel in web design, print design, photo-editing, and typography. To describe me and my work with only one word, I would say it has to be vibrant. I'm colorful, loud, highly opinionated, and hard-working; nearly to a fault. If you are interested in working with me please don't hesitate to reach out!

When I'm not reading, listening to music, or painting my nails rainbow colors, I'm playing with Adobe Creative Cloud. Besides my majors, I'm passionate about gender equality and inclusivity for people from all backgrounds and walks of life. I enjoy communicating with people and hearing their stories. I've moved around five times in eighteen years, so it's given me a diverse perspective on life, at least in terms of life on the West Coast, East Coast, the South, and the Midwest where I live currently.

My Design Inspirations

- Mora Vieytes for her unabashed love of anything colorful and her uncanny animation/illustrative abilities. Her website!

- Jessica Walsh for being unapologetically feminine through her work and using her success to not only continue creating amazing projects, but also raise up fellow women in design. #ladieswinedesign 

- Tobias Ahlin for being the web designer goals that I aspire to. His work on SpinKit, Spotify, and Minecraft all seem like dream jobs to me. Check him out here!
#ladieswinedesign Instagram Page
#ladieswinedesign Instagram Page

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